Gets or sets the value of the negative transition filter register. Setting a bit in the negative transition filter register causes a 1
to 0
transition of the corresponding questionable condition register bit to set the associated bit in the questionable event register.
Reading the register has no effect on the content of the register.
Syntax | Parameter |
:STATus:QUEStionable:NTRansition |
<numeric > |
Parameters | accepted format | possible Errors |
<numeric > |
Range from 0 to 65535 |
OutOfRangeError |
Bit value | code | description |
Bit 0 - 1 | VOLTage |
The quality of the voltage measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 1 - 2 | CURRent |
The quality of the current measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 2 - 4 | TIME |
The quality of the time measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 3 - 8 | POWer |
The quality of the power measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 4 - 16 | TEMPerature |
The quality of the temperature measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 5 - 32 | FREQuency |
The quality of the frequency measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 6 - 64 | PHASe |
The quality of the phase measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 7 - 128 | MODulation |
The quality of the modulation can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 8 - 256 | CALIbration |
The quality of the calibration can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 9 - 512 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 10 - 1024 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 11 - 2048 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 12 - 4096 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 13 - 8192 | INSTrument Summary |
A summary of the instruments register. |
Bit 14 - 16384 | Command Warning |
Not used by now. |
Bit 15 - 32768 | Not used |
The usage of the most significant bit is not allowed since some controllers may have difficulty reading a 16 bit unsigned integer. |
Sample usage
Enable all negative transitions to be reported in the associated questionable event register.
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":STAT:QUES:NTR 65535\n");