This command gets or sets the enable mask of the operation register. Bits of the event register only show in the summary bit, if the corresponding enable bit is 1
. If a bit in the enable register is set to 1
and the corresponding event bit transition occurs, the summary bit will be set.
Syntax | Parameter |
:STATus:OPERation:ENABle |
<numeric > |
Parameters | accepted format | possible Errors |
<numeric > |
Range from 0 to 65535 |
OutOfRangeError |
Bit value | code | description |
Bit 0 - 1 | CALIbrating |
The device is calibrating. |
Bit 1 - 2 | SETTing |
The device is setting. |
Bit 2 - 4 | RANGing |
The device is ranging. |
Bit 3 - 8 | SWEeping |
The device is performing a sweep. |
Bit 4 - 16 | MEASuring |
The device is performing a measurement. |
Bit 5 - 32 | Waiting for TRIGger Summary |
The device is waiting for a trigger signal. |
Bit 6 - 64 | Waiting for ARM Summary |
The device is waiting for ARM. |
Bit 7 - 128 | CORRecting |
The device is performing some corrections. |
Bit 8 - 256 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 9 - 512 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 10 - 1024 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 11 - 2048 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 12 - 4096 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 13 - 8192 | INSTrument Summary |
A summary of the instruments register. |
Bit 14 - 16384 | PROGram Running |
A program is running. |
Bit 15 - 32768 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Sample usage
Enable all changes in the operation event register to be reported in the summary bit.
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":STAT:OPER:ENAB 65535\n");