Gets or sets the sources power level in dBm
Syntax | Parameter |
:SOURce<ch>:POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] |
<numeric > |
Parameters | accepted format | allowed suffixes | possible Errors | description |
<ch > |
{ 1 | empty } |
none |
Undefined header |
Currently only one channel is supported. Empty means 1 is used as default. |
<numeric > |
numeric value | none |
none |
The sources output level in dBm |
Sample usage
Set the sources output level to 10 dBm
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:PAR:DEF GainPhase\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":SOUR:POW 10\n");
Related commands in the Automation Interface
SetSourceLevel(Double, LevelUnit) (Gain)
SetSourceLevel(Double, LevelUnit) (OnePort)
SetSourceLevel(Double, LevelUnit) (S11)
SetSourceLevel(Double, LevelUnit) (S21)
SetSourceLevel(Double, LevelUnit) (SeriesThru)
SetSourceLevel(Double, LevelUnit) (ShuntThru)
GetSourceLevel(LevelUnit) (Gain)
GetSourceLevel(LevelUnit) (OnePort)
GetSourceLevel(LevelUnit) (S11)
GetSourceLevel(LevelUnit) (S21)
GetSourceLevel(LevelUnit) (SeriesThru)
GetSourceLevel(LevelUnit) (ShuntThru)