This command gets or sets the nominal input impedance Z0.
Syntax | Parameter |
:SENSe<ch>:CORRection:IMPedance[:INPut][:MAGNitude] |
<numeric > |
Parameters | accepted format | allowed suffixes | possible Errors | description |
<ch > |
{ 1 | empty } |
none |
Undefined header |
Currently only one channel is supported. Empty means 1 is used as default. |
<numeric > |
numeric value | Ohm |
Settings conflict |
The input impedance in Ohm. |
Only in certain measurement modes input impedance values can be changed. If setting the impedance of the selected channel is not allowed in the selected measurement mode, the command is ignored and a Settings conflict
error is added to the Error Event Queue.
Sample usage
Set the input impedance to 50Ohm
in S11 measurement.
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:PAR:DEF S11\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":SENS:CORR:IMP 50\n");