Returns the content of the questionable event register.
Reading the event register clears it.
Syntax | Response |
:STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? |
<numeric > |
Response value | description |
<numeric > |
value of the questionable event register in range from 0 to 32767 |
Bit value | code | description |
Bit 0 - 1 | VOLTage |
The quality of the voltage measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 1 - 2 | CURRent |
The quality of the current measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 2 - 4 | TIME |
The quality of the time measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 3 - 8 | POWer |
The quality of the power measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 4 - 16 | TEMPerature |
The quality of the temperature measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 5 - 32 | FREQuency |
The quality of the frequency measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 6 - 64 | PHASe |
The quality of the phase measurement can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 7 - 128 | MODulation |
The quality of the modulation can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 8 - 256 | CALIbration |
The quality of the calibration can not be guaranteed. |
Bit 9 - 512 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 10 - 1024 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 11 - 2048 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 12 - 4096 | Not used |
This bit is not used. |
Bit 13 - 8192 | INSTrument Summary |
A summary of the instruments register. |
Bit 14 - 16384 | Command Warning |
Not used by now. |
Bit 15 - 32768 | Not used |
The usage of the most significant bit is not allowed since some controllers may have difficulty reading a 16 bit unsigned integer. |
Sample usage
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":STAT:QUES?\n"); Console.WriteLine(visaSession.RawIO.ReadString());