Gets or sets the delay time when performing the short calibration.
The short delay time can only be set, if the selected measurement mode supports a short calibration. Otherwise a Settings Conflict
error is raised.
Syntax | Parameter |
:SENSe<ch>:CORRection:SDELaytime |
<numeric > |
Parameters | accepted format | allowed suffixes | possible Errors | description |
<ch > |
{ 1 | empty } |
none |
Undefined header |
Currently only one channel is supported. Empty means 1 is used as default. |
<numeric > |
numeric value | s - Seconds |
Settings conflict |
The short delay time in seconds. |
Sample usage
Configure an S11
measurement, set the short delay time to 50ps and perform the full range short calibration.
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:PAR:DEF S11\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":SENS:CORR:SDEL 50ps\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":SENS:CORR:FULL:SHOR\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write("*OPC?*\n"); visaSession.RawIO.ReadString();