Gets the formatted result data. The data type can be specified with :CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine and :CALCulate:[:SELected]:FORMat.
You need to perform a measurement first.
Otherwise, no result data is available. If you have NOT performed a measurement before calling this command, 0,0
is returned and a Settings conflict
error is added to the Error Event Queue. Remember that after calling :CALCulate:PARameter:DEFine all previously calculated data is discarded.
Not all setting combinations are valid. If an invalid combination of measurement parameter, z parameter and data format is found 0,0
is returned and a Settings conflict
error is added to the Error Event Queue.
E.g. there is no option to get the PHASE
of a serial Capacitance (Cs
Syntax | Response | possible Errors |
:CALCulate<ch>[:SELected]:DATA:SDATa? |
<numeric array 1 >,<numeric array 2 > |
Settings conflict |
Parameters | accepted format | description |
<ch > |
{ 1 | empty } |
Currently only one channel is supported. Empty means 1 is used as default. |
Response value | description |
<numeric array 1 > |
list of primary measurement data separated by a comma (, ) (the amount of elements is equal to the number of points set by :SENSe:SWEep:POINts) |
<numeric array 2 > |
list of secondary measurement data separated by a comma (, ) (the amount of elements is equal to the number of points set by :SENSe:SWEep:POINts) (e.g. imaginary part in Smith Chart) - 0 ,0 , ... ,0 if not needed by the given settings |
0,0 |
No frequency data available. Either no measurement has been performed or the settings are not correctly defined. Additionally, a settings conflict error has been added to the Error Event Queue. |
Sample usage
Configure and start an S21
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":SENS:FREQ:STAR 5kHz;STOP 50kHz\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:PAR:DEF S21\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":TRIG:SING\n"); // wait for the measurement to finish visaSession.RawIO.Write("*OPC?\n"); visaSession.RawIO.ReadString(); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":SENS:FREQ:DATA?\n"); var frequencyValues = visaSession.RawIO.ReadString(); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:DATA:SDAT?\n"); var measurementValues = visaSession.RawIO.ReadString();