This command selects the format of the results data.
Syntax | Parameter |
:CALCulate<ch>[:SELected]:FORMat |
{ GDELay | IMAGinary | MLINear | MLOGarithmic | PHASe | REAL | UPHase | SWR | SMITh | SLINear | SLOGarithmic | SCOMplex | SADMittance } |
Parameters | accepted format | allowed suffixes | possible Errors | description |
<ch > |
{ 1 | empty } |
none |
Undefined header |
Currently only one channel is supported. Empty means 1 is used as default. |
{ GDELay | IMAGinary | MLINear | MLOGarithmic | PHASe | REAL | UPHase | SWR | SMITh | SLINear | SLOGarithmic | SCOMplex | SADMittance } |
exactly the given options | none |
Illegal parameter value |
The results format |
Options | Description |
GDELay |
group delay |
IMAGinary |
imaginary part |
MLINear |
linear magnitude |
MLOGarithmic |
logarithmic magnitude |
phase (in degrees) |
real part |
standing wave ratio |
UPHase |
unwrapped phase |
SLINear |
linear magnitude + phase (deg) |
SLOGarithmic |
logarithmic magnitude + phase (deg) |
SCOMplex |
real part + imaginary part |
R + jX - (resistance + reactance) |
SADMittance |
G + jB - (conductance + susceptance) |
Smith data types are only supported for S11, S21 or Z measurements. The S21 measurement does NOT support SMIT or SADM. If the selected format is not supported, a Settings Conflict error is raised.
SLIN, SLOG and SCOM return the reflection / transmission coefficient, while SMIT and SADM return impedance / admittance values.
The format selection DOES NOT influence the result, when performing an absolute measurement (CH1, CH2, R, T). The only interesting value to obtain from an absolute measurement is the VRMS and therefore the VRMS value is returned, regardless of the format settings.
default value | |
{ GDELay | IMAGinary | MLINear | MLOGarithmic | PHASe | REAL | UPHase | SWR | SMITh | SLINear | SLOGarithmic | SCOMplex | SADMittance } |
MLINear |
Sample usage
Configure and start an S21
measurement and get the logarithmic magnitude.
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":SENS:FREQ:STAR 5kHz;STOP 50kHz\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:PAR:DEF S21\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:FORM MLOG\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":TRIG:SING\n"); // wait for the measurement to finish visaSession.RawIO.Write("*OPC?\n"); visaSession.RawIO.ReadString(); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":SENS:FREQ:DATA?\n"); var frequencyValues = visaSession.RawIO.ReadString(); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:DATA:SDAT?\n"); var measurementValues = visaSession.RawIO.ReadString();