Allows to load the full-range calibration from a calibration file previously saved on the file system.
Syntax | Parameter |
:MMEMory:LOAD:CORRection:FULLrange |
file-path as <string > |
Parameters | accepted format | allowed suffixes | possible Errors | description |
<string > |
string value | none |
Illegal parameter value , File name not found --256 |
the string must represent a valid file format and must have '.mcalx' file extension. |
Sample usage
Initialize a S21 measurement
and load a previously saved file from the file system.
No path information will be used meaning that the path will be interpreted as
relative to the current working directory.
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME); visaSession.RawIO.Write(":CALC:PAR:DEF S21\n"); // wait for the action to finish visaSession.RawIO.Write("*OPC?\n"); visaSession.RawIO.Write($":MMEM:LOAD:CORR:FULL 's21calibration.mcalx'\n"); // wait for the action to finish visaSession.RawIO.Write("*OPC?\n");
Related commands
Related commands in the Automation Interface
LoadCalibration(String) (Gain)
LoadCalibration(String) (Impedance)
LoadCalibration(String) (MultiMode)