This command reads the content of the status register. For more information about the status registering refer to Registers.
Syntax | Response |
*STB? |
<numeric > |
Response value | description |
<numeric > |
value of the register in range from 0 to 255 |
Bit value | code | description |
Bit 0 - 1 | Available to designer |
not used |
Bit 1 - 2 | Available to designer |
not used |
Bit 2 - 4 | Error/Event Queue |
indicates that the error event queue is NOT empty |
Bit 3 - 8 | Questionable Status Summary |
indicates that some devices values are questionable and therefore the quality of the measurement is not guaranteed |
Bit 4 - 16 | Message Available |
indicates that a message is available in the output queue |
Bit 5 - 32 | Event Status Register Summary |
indicates that an event or an error occurred |
Bit 6 - 64 | User Request |
Not used for the actual measurement device, because RAW socket does not support service requests. |
Bit 7 - 128 | Operation Status Summary |
indicates that the device is currently performing some operations |
Sample usage
var visaSession = new TcpipSocket(VISA_RESOURCENAME);
0 (nothing happened and the error event queue is empty)